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Hexagram 20 - A Sight Of The Bigger Picture

Hexagram 20 will help you see clearly all the challenges that lie ahead. Once you can see these challenges and understand all their problems, you will be able to solve them. Through this hexagram you will be able to move on with your life and solve all your problems.

Hexagram 20 will be your guide to get on with your life. It will help you understand all your problems, so that you can overcome them. Check out the warnings and advice from this i Ching symbol below.

Challenges Overcome

Hexagram 20 Symbol

Hexagram 20 Symbol​

Hexagram 20 is composed of 2 unbroken and 4 broken horizontal lines. This symbol is associated with challenges that you cannot ignore.

Hexagram 20 Resolutions Challenges Overcome Hope |

Have you ever wondered what impact your smallest actions and mistakes have on the universe? Well, Hexagram 20 from the I Ching enlightens you about precisely that. If looking at the bigger picture is something you’ve been struggling with lately, the I Ching might give you Hexagram 20 as a guide for your next few moves in life. 

Before we dig into the interpretation, however, let’s first go over some of the positives and negatives of this Hexagram.



Hexagram 20 Message

While it’s good to make decisions that benefit you at the moment, right now is not the time to be thinking short-term. Even your smallest actions affect what happens in the bigger picture. Make moves accordingly and only welcome opportunities that you believe will yield results a few years from now. 

Don’t, however, neglect your today! There are minute details, events, and moments in everyday life that must be cherished if you wish to live life to the fullest.

Hexagram 20 Message For Love & Relationships

Pain and sacrifice is a part of every relationship; there’s no relationship without it. At some point, you will have to give up something in order to keep your relationship intact. Sacrifice is the highest form of love. When nothing is more valuable to you than your partner’s satisfaction and happiness, that’s when you know you’ve truly fallen in love. 

Partners with such an approach in relationships often receive equally as much pain as happiness. Sacrifice is not easy. There’s regret, overthinking, and even heartbreak when the other party fails to make the same kind of effort. Either embrace love in all its glory or let go of it if sacrifice isn’t something you specialize in.

Messages From The Lines Of Hexagram 20

Hexagram 20 Symbol​

Line 1:

In the real world, both knowledge and experience can come in handy. Don’t make the mistake of only trusting what you’ve been told; what you’ve experienced is often a greater marker of trust. For those at a youthful age who may be low on experience, seeking advice and mentorship is your best bet. 

In certain situations where both knowledge and experience aren’t applicable, trust your gut to lead you to a better path. It’s not the worst way to go about things but certainly not the best either. 

Line 2: 

Adapt a larger, grander perspective of the universe if you intend to have an impact on it. A small vision with a narrow mindset will only invite failure. Be open to endless possibilities and build connections with unfamiliar people who seem to bring opportunity. 

Everyone has their own unique approach and perspective on things. When you have an interest in learning about the wise’s ways, the likelihood of failing and getting lost drastically goes down. Don’t let your ego force you into conservative thinking; the universe is far too large and rapidly developing for you to be stuck with such a negative mindset.

Line 3: 

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. Be willing to take the first step no matter how long and excruciating a journey might seem. When the first drop of water falls on the rock, nothing happens. But, when the 10,000th drop falls, a hole begins to form. To neglect this basic concept would be to neglect the reality of life. 

More often than not, the first step towards something is usually the hardest. No results are there to keep you motivated and you have to rely solely on the hope that you might be headed in the right direction. It does get easier though; take one step at a time and commit yourself wholeheartedly! 

Line 4: 

When somebody happens to help you out of nowhere and seeks nothing in return, cherish that individual and put them in a position of honor. Having assistance in the midst of trouble is rare; major alliances can often come to an end at the first sight of trouble.

Line 5: 

Ignore your weak points for now; you can work on them later. For the time being, focus on your strengths and use them to your advantage. Rivals are hungry and they’re looking to exploit you. Building walls and setting up a guard would take too long; use all the tricks you have up your sleeve to defend your position temporarily. 

Line 6: 

When you reach your destination/peak, it’s never a good idea to just rush to the next objective. Sit back and enjoy your position for a while. Life is everything but a race; you don’t need to be crossing checkpoints all the time. 

Here, again, when you look at the bigger picture, you’ll realize that taking small breaks between objectives/destinations doesn’t hurt progress as much as you think.