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Hexagram 25 - Beloved Innocence & Its Restoration

Hexagram 25 shows the existence of a lot of innocence within your heart. This innocence is a good thing, but it can negatively affect you in the future. People can take advantage of that innocence to make you suffer.

Hexagram 25 shows very good intentions within your heart, a lot of innocence within you, but also some conflicts. Check out all the messages from this i Ching symbol below.

Positive Intentions

Hexagram 25 Symbol

Hexagram 25 Symbol​

Hexagram 25 is composed of 4 unbroken and 2 broken horizontal lines. This symbol is associated with positive intentions, and innocence.

Hexagram 25 Positive Intentions Innocence Conflicts |

So, you tossed your coins six times and were given three unbroken, two broken, and another unbroken line by the I Ching. These six lines make up Hexagram 25 which actually illuminates you on the art and beauty of deeper innocence. 

Though innocence is typically frowned upon in today’s world, it expresses one’s true simplicity and nobility in the best way possible. Even in a spiritual context, God adores the innocent and rewards them for choosing purity. 



Hexagram 25 Message

In a world full of hatred, guilt, and evil, it’s easy to fall victim to chaos and lose your innocence. Hexagram 25, however, directs you back to that innocence and guides you on how you can use it to bring meaningful reform to your and other people’s lives. 

Right now is not the time to be pondering over your next move/attack. First, purify yourself and your intentions, so that whatever you do brings you greater fulfillment and reward. Embracing that bit of innocence that’s still inside you will restore compassion and warmth; attracting good things becomes much easier when you have the right kind of energy within. 

Hexagram 25 Message For Love & Relationship

Changing yourself just for the sake of impressing someone or being with them is a waste of your unique aura. If somebody only wants a version of you that’s different from what you truly are on the inside, it means they aren’t fond of the real you. 

It’s best to just walk away from such a relationship and wait for someone who, instead of only wanting you to be a certain way, accepts you for who you want to be.

Messages From The Lines Of Hexagram 25

Hexagram 25 Symbol​

Line 1:

This is not the time to punish and be stern with allies or subordinates to make them do their job. With calm and empathy, communicate with them and try to get to the root of the problem. Maybe they aren’t incentivized enough or there’s an underlying obstacle keeping them from carrying out the mission? 

With such issues at hand, it would be counterproductive to use fear as a tool to get things going. Sometimes, just sometimes, genuine understanding gets the ball rolling on a better note. 

Line 2:

It’s okay to let your guard down around people you trust; that’s what they’re for. Vulnerability not only improves the emotional depth of relationships but also allows one party to fulfill the voids of the other. 

If you let people into your life but not inside your heart, you might possibly be depriving yourself of a beautiful relationship. This isn’t the right thing to do, especially right now when you’re in need of tender-hearted people to share your innocence with. 

Line 3: 

Preparing yourself for heartbreak is never easy, especially with a warm and innocent heart. It can be a gruesome and terrifying experience for you but, for others who aren’t compassionate enough, it would appear to be nothing more than just a drama or overreaction.  

This is why trying to make others understand your pain would be a waste of time. You can talk and try sharing the burden of the situation with trusted companions but don’t expect them to know how it feels deep inside. 

Line 4: 

Purifying your heart of lust and looking in the direction of love should be your main objective. It’s easy to get pulled into filth and evil when that’s all that you look towards. Remove all distractions from your surroundings and get rid of any evil that tempts you. 

Finding true love is difficult. When it’s written to emerge in your life, it will; the process can’t be sped up. Impatience will ruin your chances of ever finding it and so will a lustful heart. 

Line 5: 

In a world full of selfishness, it’s easy to not care about others. Keeping your head down and minding your own business can lead you down a road of great success but not with many allies or companions rooting for you. Building quality relationships requires you to look in the direction of others and be empathetic towards their feelings and emotions. 

Line 6: 

Trusting your gut/intuition is probably the best decision you can make right now. If you believe there’s nobody in your surroundings who’s reliable enough, let your heart make the choices and see which doors it opens for you. More often than not, it’ll lead you to a much better place than you might imagine. Make sure you have clarity though, even your intuition can be clouded if vengeance or ill intention resides within your heart.