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Hexagram 26 - Untapped Potential & Unimaginable Greatness

Hexagram 26 appears to remind you that your purpose in life is much greater than what you imagine. You may feel purposeless currently, but you will find your purpose and meaning in life soon.

Hexagram 26 also reveals a feeling of emptiness, a lack of meaning in life and a lack of hope. However, this hexagram is also a sign that everything will get better.

Lack of Hope
Your Purpose

Hexagram 26 Symbol

Hexagram 26 Symbol​

Hexagram 26 is composed of 4 unbroken and 2 broken horizontal lines. This symbol is associated with emptiness, and lack of hope.

Hexagram 26 Your Purpose Emptiness Lack of Hope |

Have you ever wondered if God sent you to this world for a greater purpose that you just haven’t discovered yet? Well, being given Hexagram 26 by the I Ching could mean that your thoughts actually hold some truth! 

The two broken and four unbroken lines of Hexagram 26 each have their own unique meanings and interpretations. But, let’s not dive into those details just yet. 

First, we take a look at some of the prominent positives and negatives of this Hexagram.



Hexagram 26 Message

Every being is sent to this world with a mission/purpose to fulfill. Hexagram 26 is simply a reminder that your purpose is greater than you might think! 

You’re blessed with a special gift of creative potential and tapping into it will allow you to unlock doors that lead you to your destination. This is not the time to blame yourself or the universe for making you the way you are; a man with the gift of creativity is beyond lucky. 

Tapping into your potential will require effort on your end. If you’re willing to embark on the journey and surround yourself with people of strong will, your true powers will eventually come to light. 

Hexagram 26 Message For Love & Relationships

When those in love come together, they must be willing to put in some real time and thought to make things work. Insufficient efforts in a relationship shouldn’t be tolerated. If there seems to be no real reason as to why your partner hasn’t been the most enthusiastic lately, communicate and try to address the problem instead of taking it for what it is.  

Messages From The Lines Of Hexagram 26

Hexagram 26 Symbol​

Line 1:

Though you may be fit to take a big leap and make linear progression, right now is not the time for such a move. Sometimes, rushed progression can be dangerous; let your last attempt settle in and cruise with leftover harvest for a while. 

Once life does give you the green light and you feel 100% confident that your plan will yield fruitful results, take the chance but make sure you handle the situation with caution. Even the slightest bit of change can make things significantly more challenging. 

Line 2:

Don’t make the mistake of not standing up to a superior/leader even when they’re wrong. To blindly follow instructions on the basis of authoritative command is foolish. Anyone and everyone can be wrong at times. However, somebody with power or a dominating aura might find it more difficult to admit to mistakes. 

If you believe an authoritative party has ill intentions or is making morally gray moves, stand your ground and make your disinterest in following orders clear.

Line 3:

A new door has been opened, but you don’t seem to be looking in the right direction. It’s hard to chase after opportunities far away but it’s even harder to see opportunities that are right in front of you. They may come in the form of an event, person, or even a mistake; you just have to know which one. 

Line 4:

Don’t leave room for mistake or vulnerability; everything you do must be spick and span as enemies are on the lookout. You don’t want to pick a fight when your walls aren’t fully built yet; enemy blows can knock down your plans in an instant. 

As for how you’re going to deal with this, focus on rising towards greatness and nothing else. When enough power is in your hands, you won’t remain a target anymore. 

Line 5: 

Don’t be shallow with your choice of words and expressions around someone you love. Not expressing when you should is simply a wasted opportunity to add further depth to a relationship. If you truly wish to grow a personal or professional connection and turn it into something meaningful, say out loud what you have in your heart and leave nothing untold. 

Line 6: 

Avoid drama and controversy when trying to progress; critics do nothing but pull you down. It’s okay to disagree with the majority opinion and raise your voice against it but no need to bash the parties involved. For those who aim for the throne of greatness, getting caught up in minor quarrels and disputes is like inviting obstacles to your own journey.