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Hexagram 30 - The Beauty & Importance Of Dependency

Hexagram 30 shows that there will be events in our lives that we cannot overcome alone. However, this symbol also shows that we must be careful with the people we have relationships with, because the intentions of these people are not always the best.

Hexagram 30 also shows that love may be just around the corner, but we cannot force it. It takes patience and persistence to find the person who will make us truly happy.

Love Ahead

Hexagram 30 Symbol

Hexagram 30 Symbol​

Hexagram 30 is composed of 4 unbroken and 2 broken horizontal lines. This symbol is associated with hard times.

Hexagram 30 Love Life Patience Dependency |

Despite the idea of solitude and confinement that today’s world might be trying to sell you, human beings are made to depend on each other and interconnect. There’s no possible way one can thrive and live a marvelous life without craving for love or just general company. 

Hexagram 30 from the I Ching reminds you of the importance of depending on others and making the most out of every bond/relationship in your life. If testing your luck with the I Ching led you to Hexagram 30, here are some positives and negatives of it you should know about.



Hexagram 30 Message

Not everyone can find beauty in landscapes, paintings, and art. However, the beauty of human connection and interdependence is something that can even be felt by the blindest of eyes. 

Upon taking a look around, one might notice that each and every being in this world seeks a companion, somebody who gives love, comfort, and support. While some might not show it, there’s a longing for love in every heart. The idea of being seen, heard, and acknowledged by someone is nothing short of beautiful. 

Hexagram 30 Message For Love & Relationships

When love betrays, a broken heart goes into confinement and shuts the door. It’s an involuntary emotional response to not let anyone in after somebody previously broke you. However, such a response also means that you’ll be depriving yourself of new love and future relationships, ones that might actually turn out to be better. 

While you may find comfort in knowing that nobody can break your heart now, it might be a good idea to try to walk towards love again, even if it’s through baby steps. With the right partner in the right relationship, you may be able to drop your guard and fall in love again. 

Messages From The Lines Of Hexagram 30

Hexagram 30 Symbol​

Line 1:

When facing a troubling situation in public, it’s okay to reach out for help from strangers. There’s no need to be hesitant or afraid, in fact, you might even make a new long-lasting connection with someone. After all, every friend or partner is a stranger at first. If you’re lucky and it’s meant to be, love and new relationships might enter your life this way. 

Line 2:

There’s nothing worse than having to depend on someone who isn’t sincere or consistent enough. If you happen to have partnered up with someone of such nonchalant nature, it’s best to either put an end to the cooperation and go solo or get them to make peace with you calling the shots. 

Line 3: 

Graveyards are full of unsaid words and relationships that could’ve been. Therefore, if you happen to come across someone you click with, make sure to turn that random interaction into a meaningful bond before it’s too late. Many times, people hesitate so much to express fondness that interactions remain interactions and any chances of connection just fade away. 

Line 4: 

When looking for partners and companions, you won’t always get the qualities that you want. All members of a society are unique and have their own set of different skills, talents, and attributes that they bring to the table. Learn to accept people for who they are and let them into your life even if they’re not what you were looking for.

If you take a good look around, people fall in love with the opposite of what they wanted in a partner all the time. That’s just how life surprises you. Welcome those surprises with open arms while you can!

Line 5: 

Certain chapters in your life might call for more emotional support than others. When times get dark and you lose something or someone dear to you, having somebody to share your emotional turmoil with can make a huge difference in terms of how you feel about the situation. 

However, be mindful when choosing a reliable emotional support companion as trust is not the only quality that matters here. He/she must be able to listen with empathy and understand your scrambled emotions without disregarding any feelings that may go beyond logic. Logical thinking and emotion don’t really go hand in hand. 

Line 6: 

Don’t despair yourself of love and affection just because you don’t understand why it’s coming your way! Many people respond negatively to love and adornment; they question its logic, sensibility, and source but forget that love never ever makes sense. 

When another person truly likes you, it would be a complete waste of time to try and find out why. Instead, focus on knowing your admirer better and fostering a sincere relationship if feelings happen to be mutual.