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Hexagram 35 - Growing & Maturing Throughout A Journey

Hexagram 35 shows that you should learn more from the small victories in your life. This symbol also shows that your progress is taking a long time, but that this is the best way to achieve something. Everything we achieve quickly can also disappear quickly.

Hexagram 35 also appears in an i Ching game to warn you that impatience and inconsistency will only bring you problems. You have to be patient and consistent.

Lack of Cooperation
Small Victories
Slow Progress

Hexagram 35 Symbol

Hexagram 35 Symbol

Hexagram 35 is composed of 2 unbroken and 4 broken horizontal lines. This symbol is associated with slow (but constant) victories.

Hexagram 35 Lack of Cooperation Small Victories Slow Progress |

When you embark on a journey, you obviously don’t expect to reach the desired destination right away. You must grow, learn new things, take on opportunities, and even move past big obstacles to arrive at a place you’re content with. 

Hexagram 35 from the I Ching enlightens you about the importance of progress and slow development on a journey. If you set out on a long mission recently and decided to test your luck with the I Ching because you weren’t seemingly making any progress, Hexagram 35 tells you that you are making progress but just aren’t able to see it. 



Hexagram 35 Message

In today’s day and age, people tend to overcomplicate the idea of progress and make it something it’s really not. Progress is actually very simple; whatever you do better than last time falls under the radar of progress.

While you may be fed the false ideas that wealth and affluence must be chased in order to become a better version of yourself, progress is where true betterment actually lies. Whatever the field, work, or hobby you’re interested in, make your next attempt better than the previous one and give yourself a pat on the back. That’s how a healthy relationship with yourself and life should be. 

Hexagram 35 Message For Love & Relationships

Love is not a destination, it’s perhaps the only journey that never ends. Arriving at a destination in love means the love has come to an end. 

If your relationship does not revolve around constant growth and development, it might be at risk of falling apart. Love calls for nonstop exploration and discovery inside each other’s world; partners in love can and should never have enough of it. 

Messages From The Lines Of Hexagram 35

Hexagram 35 Symbol

Line 1:

Measurable progress on a journey fulfills you and keeps you going through the highs and lows. If you do something differently each and every time with no real regard for repetition, there’s no way to know if you’ve gotten better or not. 

Instead of trying to be perfect at everything all at once, stick to one field/task at a time and progress with it for a couple of weeks or months before moving on to improving something else. 

Line 2:

More often than not, the inability to pick up on the right opportunities at the right time can become a major reason for slow progress. Sadly though, it’s sometimes not even your fault; hesitation and fear of making the wrong move can keep one from trusting even the greatest of opportunities. 

Anyone can lecture you all day about how life is short and that you should say yes to every opportunity but the truth is, you really shouldn’t. There’s always uncertainty and risk associated with every opportunity that comes your way, so slow progress at the price of fewer poor choices isn’t that bad of a trade if you think about it. 

Line 3: 

Nobody walks into a film theater to watch the behind-the-scenes; only the final product is presented to viewers. However, just because you’re viewing the finished product does not mean everything initially looked this way. Tons of effort is put in behind the scenes that you’re not aware of. 

This exact concept applies to life too. Though you may be putting in work off the record, people just won’t be there to see it. Don’t seek their validation though; an unfinished product interests no one. Instead, focus on making progress in silence and show them the fruit of your labor when the time comes. 

Line 4: 

Slow and steady always wins the race when competing against someone of hasty nature. True progress is a lot slower and boring than most people think. But, it’s that progress in slow steps that leads one to excellence. If you’re all about outrunning competitors and getting ahead, meaningful progress is something that will likely be compromised. 

Choose which of the two goals is more important to you and approach your situation accordingly as trying to progress and win the race at the same time usually leads to failure in both areas. 

Line 5: 

Don’t get too caught up in helping others reach higher. While it’s good to be of help to others in times of need, the world is far too cruel for you to be putting yourself out there to be taken advantage of. Prioritize your own work and pay more attention to enhancing your quality of life. If somebody needs assistance, lend a hand but don’t make their world your own. 

When fishing, a fisherman keeps in mind his own sustenance whether it’s in the form of monetary gain or keeping some of the catch for himself.

Line 6: 

When you reach out your hand and try to seek help but nobody answers, it means you’re alone in this journey. There’s nothing wrong with being alone though; solitude can be an excellent teacher. This experience will also reveal to you the faces of foes and hypocrites around you, narrowing down the list of those you can trust in times of desperation.