Hexagram 36 - A Period Of Melancholy & Nothingness
Hexagram 36 reveals that you are at a time where you are losing hope, but you can’t. Losing hope is the worst thing you can do at this time. This symbol shows that this lack of hope is only temporary, so lift your head and continue fighting.
Hexagram 36 also shows that this period in which you will be more disoriented can be an excellent time for self discovery. Check out some key points of this i Ching symbol below.
Hexagram 36 Symbol

Hexagram 36 is composed of 2 unbroken and 4 broken horizontal lines. This symbol is associated with loss of hope.
Hexagram 36 Emotional Detachment Loss of Hope Self-Discovery |
Sometimes, sadness and grief do not only stem from the heartbreaks and losses you face; an entirely new melancholic chapter in your life can begin without any apparent cause or reasoning.
Hexagram 36 from the I Ching guides you on this unwanted chapter in your life and how you can find your way around it. Though its guidance won’t dissipate the sorrow and pensiveness in the air, you’ll learn to see through the darkness better and perhaps even embrace it where needed.
- Like anything else in life, the cloud of sorrow over your head is also temporary. Whether better or worse events unfold after this depends on your destiny but strictly talking about the current phase in your life, it too shall pass.
- When pensive feelings arise, they make you reflect on your life and work on aspects of it that may have been neglected for very long.
- While pensiveness often tends to result in solitude, it’s not as bad as you might think considering the fact that alone time gives you the opportunity to find parts of yourself that may have gone lost.
- Emptiness deep inside can potentially detach you from the emotional depths of relationships.
- When a phase of sorrowful events stays long enough, the likelihood of losing hope in yourself drastically increases.
- If the root cause of melancholic feelings is unknown, things can get extremely frustrating. Finding answers requires you to have an idea of the situation so you can at least ask the right questions.
Hexagram 36 Message
You’re likely going through a complex phase in your life right now where the same things you used to love before don’t draw you in anymore. It’s almost like a cloud of sorrow and unhappiness has emerged over your head making you feel emptier and more disconnected than ever. When poets write, perhaps this is the melancholy they’re trying to describe through their heart-rending words.
What’s worse is that you don’t even know where this cloud has come drifting from. There’s no reason for you to be upset, yet there’s this strange burden on your heart weighing it down day by day.
Hexagram 36 Message For Love & Relationships
Emotional distancing in relationships leads to the worst kind of heartbreak. It’s when your partner doesn’t need you around anymore that you get to know the true meaning of abandonment. You see them doing well even without you and realize just the lack of importance you had in their life.
If you haven’t faced such a tragedy and happen to be in a happy healthy relationship, make sure to bring up the emotional side of the relationship and not prioritize other unimportant aspects over it. Discuss faults, mistakes, and problems and be each other’s safe haven that can be retreated to in order to seek comfort and support in distressing times.
Messages From The Lines Of Hexagram 36

Line 1:
Realistically, practical efforts and physical achievements have more use than philosophical knowledge. While deep philosophical thinking can help you ponder and set big goals for yourself, working with what you have at hand is also important. In the middle of deep water, a fisherman knows his theoretical thinking serves no purpose and that he must be well-versed with his rod and reel to have a meaningful catch.
Line 2:
Having nothing on your mind can be an open invitation for evil thoughts. The same goes for an empty heart that can serve as a breeding ground for malicious intent and spite.
When you feel empty deep inside, knowing that this hollow feeling will eventually pass is a part of putting faith in a higher power. This higher power shall protect you and keep you from stepping foot in evil territory. Furthermore, try your best to host love and empathy in your heart rather than wickedness; countering evil with kindness has its own reward.
Line 3:
It’s hard to deconstruct a cake if the icing is already on it. When life gets oddly depressing and more difficult to bear, there are certain layers you’ll need to peel off of yourself to be able to withstand the test of time. Being too stiff in such circumstances means you make this test more difficult for yourself than it already is.
Line 4:
If you keep yourself under negative light, the shadow of darkness will continue to prevail. The best thing you can do right now is run away from the negative energies in your surroundings and seek shelter with optimistic company. Instead of pulling your leg, like-minded allies and associates will pick you up and elevate you towards greatness.
Line 5:
The sight of climax is often lost when sadness emerges. Many forget their purpose and let go of aspirations just because the cloud of sorrow overhead seems to be a little thicker than one might expect.
Episodic melancholy is no reason to give up on your dreams, especially if they’ve always been the reason you keep pushing forward. Keep in mind that this phase is only temporary and eventually vibrant colors will re-emerge in your life.
Line 6:
When a king falls ill, his counselors and people who work below him take charge temporarily. Obviously, the king’s duties are important and he can’t just let things be while he’s down. If you happen to be feeling depressed and more drained than ever, it may be a good idea to entrust reliable associates with your work and take a break. A few weeks of rest and emotional restoration certainly won’t hurt bigger aims.
It would be odd to call Hexagram 36 a guide on sadness and depression but the truth is…it really is. For most people, episodic sadness and sorrow in their lives will last no more than a few weeks or months at max. A piece of advice regarding Hexagram 36 I’d like to add here is to not consider it an alternate for actual therapy. While some guidance and instructions regarding your next few moves in life can be helpful, Hexagrams cannot provide the individual-specific help one might need in dark and gloomy times. If you believe you need real emotional help and treatment specific to your circumstances, don’t be hesitant to reach out to an experienced professional.