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Hexagram 38 - Mistaking Differences In Nature For Conflict

Hexagram 38 shows that you will need to know the right people to be able to build an empire. When you master the “art” of knowing people’s talents, you will be able to grow in ways you never imagined. Of course, not everything is positive, as you will soon understand.

Hexagram 38 also shows that building relationships will be complicated, which will cause a lot of headaches and conflicts. You will need to be very persistent.

Building Relationships

Hexagram 38 Symbol

Hexagram 38 Symbol​

Hexagram 38 is composed of 4 unbroken and 2 broken horizontal lines. This symbol is associated with success and conflicts

Hexagram 38 Building Relationships Conflicts Success |

Throughout the course of your life, you’ll meet hundreds of people who will have completely different interests, motives, and opinions than yours. This doesn’t mean they’re bad, just different from you. However, some might actually be bad and you’ll need to stand up against them one day or the other. 

Hexagram 38 from the I Ching guides you on the skill of dealing with people who appear to be of an unfamiliar nature. You might even learn a thing or two about why people who were once precious and relatable may entirely transform into unrecognizable strangers over time. 



Hexagram 38 Message

Different people bring different energies to the table; some you might relate with and find to be familiar while others not very much. What matters is that you welcome them in your life without fear and give them a solid chance to show their true colors. With enough time passed, you might realize that those people who entered your life seemingly as “ opposite rivals” are actually quite likable. 

Hexagram 38 reminds you that not everyone who’s different is bad. People can be poles apart in nature, temper, or energy and still coexist in beautiful bonds.  

Hexagram 38 Message For Love & Relationships

Indulging in a new relationship always has its risks and potential consequences.

  • “What if it doesn’t work out?
  • “What if he/she isn’t the right one for me?”
  • “What if things start to get toxic and suffocating?”

However, always thinking about consequences when it comes to relationships will keep you isolated for a long while. It’s a risk to entrust someone with your heart and fall in love with all your being but there’s no better feeling either. Some risks must be taken for a better life and potentially healthier relationships than you may have had in the past. Learn to take a leap of faith first, the trust part comes second. 

Messages From The Lines Of Hexagram 38

Hexagram 38 Symbol​

Line 1:

A disagreement with your opinion is not a red alert for conflict. If anything, it means you can further evaluate different angles and perspectives that others may have to offer. It’s not a bad thing at all. 

If there is someone who raises concern against your opinion, be kind enough to either provide them with an explanation or create no conflict out of it; two grown adults can have a difference of opinion and it shouldn’t make them arch-enemies. 

Line 2:

Every good friend was once a stranger. Life will send a lot of people your way, some you’ll potentially click with and some will end up being a lesson. However, don’t be too quick to judge, especially if the people who come into your life are new and unique. Many people seem tough and intimidating externally but deep inside they have the softest hearts (and vice versa of course).

Jumping to conclusions about a person without getting to know them on a deeper level might mean that you’re shutting the door to a potentially beautiful relationship. Don’t make this mistake!

Line 3: 

Friends, family members, and people very near and dear to you will eventually be less and less involved in your life once their focus diverts towards other important matters in their own lives. Initially, the distancing might startle you and make you feel abandoned but you will have to come to terms with the fact that they’ve bloomed into a different version of themselves. And, it’s not really a bad thing if you think about it. You can still cheer and be happy for them but just don’t expect them to return that compersion. 

Line 4: 

There’s a difference between someone who’s different and someone unhinged. Some people are truly bad and you need to be kept away at all costs. However, it’s not like you’ll mistake a bad person for a unique one (or at least it’s very unlikely).

Different energies and personalities can spark conflict but, if the differences are too drastic and a little towards the “wrongdoing” end of the spectrum, don’t be hesitant to stand up against such individuals and call them out. 

Line 5: 

In the initial phases of getting to know someone new in your life, it’s best to avoid conflict and unnecessary arguments. It’s like dipping a stick in water and then trying to light it on fire; of course, it will be ten times harder. If there is something you don’t like or disagree with, try your best to present your opinion in the friendliest and least hostile way possible. A relationship in progress is a lot more delicate than a relationship that has already been built. 

Line 6: 

Excessive pride and vain is not to be tolerated in any relationship whether new or old. If you’re of a humble nature and happen to cross paths with someone who’s a little too cocky, the interaction can be extremely awkward and overbearing. In that case, it’s better to leave the other to his/her own device and part ways quietly.