Hexagram 4 - Embracing Authenticity & Individuality
Hexagram 4 is very important because it draws our attention to our future and our decisions. This hexagram warns us that we must be careful with our next steps and, above all, that we need to be patient.
Hexagram 4 shows us that our greatest difficulty will be finding patience to achieve all our goals. However, if you are patient, you will be able to realize your greatest desires.
Hexagram 4 Symbol
The hexagram 4 symbol is composed of 4 broken and 2 unbroken lines. This symbol has very interesting messages.
Hexagram 4 Persistence Inner strength Patience |
Hexagram 4 is one of the 64 hexagrams mentioned in the ancient book of I Ching. If you take a look at this Hexagram, you’ll notice that it has an odd asymmetrical pattern with two unbroken and four broken lines stacked parallel on top of each other. It sort of depicts the uncertainty of failure and success one can face when embarking on a new journey in life.
Before we dig deeper into the actual interpretation of the lines of Hexagram 4, let’s first take a look at the different positive and negative angles of it so you can have a better initial understanding of what this Hexagram can mean for you.
- Promotes youthful energy and child-like innocence that can be beneficial in keeping you away from sin and corruption of character.
- Reminds you to be careful about your next move so you can reevaluate just in time.
- If you’re broken and damaged internally after a traumatic experience, Hexagram 4 can be an omen of upcoming betterment and stability.
- Patience…A LOT of patience will be required to get through the phase of life you’re in right now.
- People with a strange materialistic view of life will cross paths with you. You’ll have to struggle to not be influenced by their hollow words and ideals.
- Your innocence will be challenged by those around you. Some might intend to take advantage of your clean hands by alluring you towards evil in disguise.
Hexagram 4 Message
It’s not the time to let others have control over your thoughts and actions. Their intentions aren’t right and neither should they be interfering with what you do in the first place. If you do fall prey to their words, it’s likely that you’ll be exploited and taken advantage of.
Therefore, cut out unnecessary social interaction from your life and avoid making deals/agreements with people who seem too controlling and dictate. If the situation calls for it, be ready to let your dominant side emerge and put down all possible restraining energies that may be casting a shadow over your freedom.
Hexagram 4 also reminds you that perfect things don’t always remain perfect. Moments will come when you’ll feel broken and destroyed deep inside. In those times, always look forward to the days that bring healing and new beginnings.
Hexagram 4 Message In Love
There are many different angles and forms of love – physical, emotional, playful/platonic, and whatnot. If there seems to be a compromise in the type of love you wish to receive, don’t hesitate to let your partner/significant other know about it. Oftentimes, while dealing with a possible tragedy or setback in life, physical love is unlikely to be the kind of love you would want. So, demand appropriately and be vulnerable in love as much as you can.
Although life will challenge the integrity of your relationship by throwing obstacles your way, you and your partner will have to fight through those ups and downs as a unit if you intend to keep your relationship in the long run.
Messages From The Lines Of Hexagram 4
Line 1:
You’re going through an episode in your life where you’re inspired beyond words. Every opportunity that comes your way is welcomed with open arms as it allows you to test deep-rooted potential and fulfill your lust to do.
If anything, you’ll just have to be careful about not having the wrong influence on people during this time. Encourage them to move forward and not towards self-destruction. If your role is that of a leader, be stern but empathic with those working under you. There’s a common goal for both parties and any setbacks in the way should spark better communication rather than chaos within the tribe.
Line 2:
Expect the unexpected. Life will take you in a direction you would never expect. For those who embrace cold-heartedness, a warm soul will come your way that will make you fall in love in an instant. There are a lot of tricks the universe has up its sleeve that will make you wonder if you’ve really ever found your true self.
Don’t be scared of these surprises though. The universe poses no harm. At the very least, you’ll get an opportunity to learn the things you were unwilling to try on your own.
Line 3:
Quit faking strength and power. It’s a quality of the weak to disperse and blend in with crowds to make themselves appear significant. If you don’t share an opinion that happens to be popular amongst those around you, stand your ground and don’t be manipulated into thinking that you’re on the wrong side.
If dominance and control aren’t your areas of expertise, don’t try to give off the impression that they are. It’s inauthentic and a mimicry of someone you’re not. Better to be hated for who you are than be loved for who you’re not.
Line 4:
Don’t get stuck in the fraud of arrogance and boastfulness. An inflated ego is destructive beyond imagination. Remember that whatever affluence you have can be snatched away from you in the blink of an eye. It would be sheer ignorance to believe that you’re superior to others in any way and the universe will not hesitate in teaching you a lesson.
It’s time to stop making your accomplishments public and return to hard work and struggle. If inspiration and encouragement is not your true intention, back off and keep your vaunting words to yourself!
Line 5:
Be open to embarking on new journeys and discovering the bigger picture. Hundreds of processes are carried out around you from bees creating honey to the physical healing of wounds. What we often fail to realize about these processes is the magnificent impact they have in the universe.
Be curious like a child who wants to know everything. Ask questions, follow trails, and uncover mysteries that seem to intrigue you. Sometimes connecting dots is more interesting than the conclusion itself.
“One must be a fool first to become a master later on”.
Line 6:
Don’t be too harsh and nit-picky with subordinates, they’re just waiting for directions. Though firmness and an authoritative language is necessary to bring discipline, don’t overdo it to the point where your criticism starts to hinder effective teaching.
Instead of using fear and punishment to illuminate others, try to incorporate feedback-based communication and time constraints as ways to maximize efficiency. Being gentle and empathetic will not only allow you to shake more hands (close deals) but also give others an incentive to seek guidance from you.
Hexagram 4 is all about discovering individuality and personal growth throughout the journey of life. If you’re stuck in a situation where you have to decide between being yourself or becoming somebody else for a temporary escape, Hexagram 4 encourages you to choose authenticity every time. If you take a look at the Hexagram itself in the I Ching, the broken and unbroken lines create a strange asymmetrical pattern. Metaphorically, it is a depiction that nothing stays constant for long. Life is a roller coaster and times will come when uncertainties will break even the most long-lasting of patterns.