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Hexagram 41 - Mastering The Art Of Downscaling & Minimalism

Hexagram 41 shows that you should start giving more value to the emotional connections that are most important to you. This i Ching symbol also shows that you should be grateful for the abundance you have right now, even if it doesn’t seem like much to you.

This i Ching symbol also shows that this is a phase in which you are most vulnerable to enemy attacks. It’s a sign that you should be careful.

Meaningful Connections
Vulnerability to Attacks

Hexagram 41 Symbol

Hexagram 41 Symbol​

Hexagram 41 is composed of 3 unbroken and 3 broken horizontal lines. This symbol is associated with positive connections, but also with attacks.

Hexagram 41 Meaningful Connections Abundance Vulnerability to Attacks |

Life is a collection of highs and lows. Some moments can be all out and full of abundance while others may require you to cut back on your desires temporarily. There must always be a balance and, if there isn’t, everything can go down the drain in no time. 

Hexagram 41 from the I Ching guides you all about the low moments in life where you must cut back in order to pull through. Equipping yourself with the ability to let go of certain things and “decrease” (metaphorically) is essential for longevity as well as better mental and emotional health. 



Hexagram 41 Message

A lot of people today live under the impression that life is all about growing, expanding, and increasing. However, as much as everyone would want that to be the case, the truth is that meaningful progress cannot be made all the time. Sometimes, scaling down and decreasing is a much better route to take. 

Contrary to popular belief, brief periods of decrease won’t have a negative impact on your ability to grow and increase. Taking a step back is crucial for getting a better view of the situation as a whole. Also, when you’ve been expanding for very long and things may be starting to get out of hand, scaling down can allow you to filter out accumulated liabilities and keep only what/who is needed. 

Hexagram 41 Message For Love & Relationships:

Despite how amazing it might make you feel, love is not the most stable and constant thing in the world. Different episodes and phases in life affect love and its dynamics as well. You cannot expect the love you receive to be constant when nothing around you is truly constant. Some days love will reward you and some days it will test you. 

You can either accept love with its flaws or deprive yourself of it just because it isn’t “perfect”; the choice is yours. 

Messages From The Lines Of Hexagram 41

Hexagram 41 Symbol​

Line 1:

In a team setting, there’s nothing wrong with downsizing if that seems like a viable option right now. While an abundance of associates might sound like a good safety net to fall back on, it’s certainly not worth having them on board if they have no role to play in the tasks at hand. Sometimes a few hurt sentiments can keep bigger troubles at bay.  

Remember, being in a leadership position requires you to make some hard choices; consider this one of them. 

Line 2:

The lust for seeing an increase in everything is often what gets people killed both literally and metaphorically. While constant growth and expansion is certainly everyone’s ultimate objective, times always come when a decrease becomes necessary. Too much of anything is dangerous. 

In everyday life, learn to approach growth as an inconsistent chart where both dips and rises occur every once in a while. The dips aren’t a sign of regression but rather just periods in the journey where taking a leap towards growth wasn’t the best idea. 

Line 3: 

Witnessing loss of regard and disrespect in a union means you should leave. When those who welcomed and loved you start showing you disrespect out of nowhere, it’s a sign that you’ve either made a mistake or are surrounded by hypocrites. All decreases can be ignored until it’s a decrease in basic respect that people are supposed to demonstrate to their own. 

Line 4: 

Compromising your integrity is not worth any cause. People often think of integrity as something that just matters in the moment but true integrity leaves a dent in this world for decades to come. The one who stands upright in the face of glistening corruption does nothing short of heroic. 

If you believe your existence has even the tiniest bit of influence over those around you then it’s essential that you safekeep your credibility and keep it from withering away into nothing. Practice what you preach and avoid selling yourself out for meaningless gains!

Line 5: 

This is not the right time to be loud and over the top with your presence. Rivals have their eyes on you and are looking for vulnerable openings to strike at. While it isn’t necessary to go into a complete hideout, try your best to remain as low as possible and draw little attention to yourself. Compress and blend in with others if trouble seems to be approaching fast. 

Line 6: 

Materialistic decreases are okay as long as love and connection from relationships hasn’t diminished. It is often said that a dead man isn’t remembered by his wealth but rather by how he made others feel. Periods of lows in terms of worldly accumulation will come and go. Keep in mind that good and healthy relationships trample over materialistic success any day.