Hexagram 5 - Race Of Patience & Persistence
Hexagram 5 shows that you must master patience and slow paths in life. This symbol shows that things that take a long time to arrive are the most appreciated. If this symbol came to you in an i Ching reading, you should read its entire interpretation and meaning.
Hexagram 5 shows that if you are consistent and patient, everything will go well. The best things come with time. You just need to wait patiently for the results to appear.
Hexagram 5 Symbol

Hexagram 5 is composed of 2 broken and 4 unbroken horizontal lines. This symbol is associated with patience and consistency.
Hexagram 5 Consistency Persistence Patience |
Hexagram 5 is one of the 64 hexagrams mentioned in the ancient book of I Ching. Each Hexagram has its own unique meaning/interpretation and Hexagram 5 is all about mastering patience and honing in on the beauty of going slow.
In the I Ching or Book Of Changes, as some might know it, Hexagram 5 is composed of 2 broken and 4 unbroken horizontal lines. While the first half of the Hexagram is inconsistent, the bottom three lines are all unbroken metaphorically suggesting that patience can get you consistent results.
- Equip yourself with the ability to remain steadfast and patient even during disorderly times.
- Every blessing and reward you receive in life is indirectly a result of you becoming worthy of it. If work is done and effort is sufficient on your part, good things will eventually emerge.
- In difficult circumstances, manipulate factors that are in your control and stop stressing over those you can’t.
- Patience can sometimes be difficult to sustain when progress isn’t being made or the results aren’t satisfactory.
- You’re going to develop challenging relationships with people who won’t live up to your expectations. There will be disappointments and a lot of regrets.
- Harsh truths and realities will have to be faced and accepted. You won’t be able to run away from them any longer no matter how badly you want to.
Hexagram 5 Message
Get out of the fast lane; it’s time to take things slow! The adrenaline rush from all the uncertainty and surprises won’t be there to excite you but it’s only a matter of time before you get used to the unhurried pace.
New opportunities, decisions, relationships, and other important aspects of life will demand your attention. Being hasty with these matters will only ruin things. It’s time to be careful about your steps and think twice before joining hands with anyone.
Hexagram 5 Message In Love
A lot of new people will storm into your life very soon. But, don’t make the mistake of involving logic when it comes to choosing a potential life partner. Being logical in love will usually translate to materialistic expectations and avoidance of emotions. If you’re unable to love fully, ask yourself if you’re holding back because of certain profound emotions that might be confusing your brain.
Be a fool in love. It’s not a good idea to be overly calculative. Sometimes, love’s defiance of logic is what makes it so mesmerizing.
Messages From The Lines Of Hexagram 5

Line 1:
You’ve been putting your blood, sweat, and tears into a dream that just isn’t coming to life. Fruitful results are yet to be seen despite how much time has passed. Faith is slowly diminishing from within your heart and you feel a loss of control over the situation.
In times like these, reach out to knowledgeable acquaintances and people who’ve done it before you. There’s no shame in admitting you’re lost. Oftentimes, a little guidance is all you need to get things going in the right direction.
Line 2:
There’s a lot going on inside your head. But, those around you don’t seem to be interested in knowing about that. People may get the impression that you’re sad or going through a bad phase in your life but you’re really just misunderstood. Whenever someone tries to strike up a conversation with you, the foundation is always “Who are you?” and never “How are you?”.
Close friends and family can be lifesavers right now. Get in touch with those whom you’re comfortable being vulnerable with and back away from all other miserable relationships that make you feel unheard for the time being.
Line 3:
You have the talent, skill, and mental fortitude to do and achieve extraordinary things in life. Yet, you feel limited by the restraints others have imposed on you. People’s expectations and ideas of who you are keep you from stepping into territories you want to.
Life is too short for you to be living limitedly like this. Take opportunities that come your way and break through plateaus that are holding you back. It’s difficult to ignore other people’s judgment and opinions, especially when they’re coming from people you have a soft spot for. Do what you have to and go after your unrealistic fantasies regardless!
Line 4:
You happen to be stuck in a situation where you have no proof or evidence backing up your argument. The conflict is in dangerous waters leaving you with no other options than to somehow defend your point or face bad consequences.
Admitting you’re wrong would be one way to go about it. It would certainly be a blow to the ego and you’re likely to lose your credibility among people. The other way would be to stand your ground regardless of whether you’re on the right or wrong and waste precious time and energy trying to prove yourself for nothing. The choice is yours to make.
Line 5:
Live while good things unfold. Life is much more than just striving to achieve bigger and better aims every time. Sometimes, a little break can remind you of what you’ve been working towards while simultaneously giving you the chance to enjoy it.
As long as you don’t lose sight of your next move and objective, it’s completely fine to just enjoy the wait and give good events sufficient time to transpire.
Line 6:
Accept the assistance you’re being offered, you won’t regret it. Desperate times call for desperate measures. If you’re unable to find a connection between your situation and the helper, consider him/her an angel sent by God on a special mission.
Trying different methods and approaches is just not going to cut it at the moment; you need some real help dealing with the trouble you’re stuck in. An extra pair of hands (or brains) is never a bad idea.
Hexagram 5 is more than just another Hexagram. It is a way of life that invites positive occurrences and miracles through the art of patience. It promotes one simple but beautiful principle - wait for it to happen and it will. A piece of advice I would like to give you regarding Hexagram 5 is to let it teach you about the peace that lies in just “being”. You don’t want to be doing all the time. It’s unsustainable and, frankly, quite mentally fatiguing to be constantly doing, doing, doing. Take a step back and learn to switch from a doing to a being state for better mental health and clarity.