Hexagram 58 - Eternal Happiness & Triumph
Hexagram 58 shows that you should enjoy the little moments in your life and that you should try to find joy in the little things in life. As a general rule, this i Ching symbol brings positive messages into your life!
This i Ching symbol also reveals that you should be careful with actions taken on impulse. You must control yourself so as not to make hasty decisions based on impulses.
Hexagram 58 Symbol

Hexagram 58 is composed of 4 unbroken and 2 broken horizontal lines. This symbol is associated with impulsive actions amid joy.
Hexagram 58 Happiness in Love Impulsive Actions Amid Joy Temporary Masking of Pain |
Being happy isn’t always about things being good. Sometimes, it just means that you can see good in everything. Delight thrives both ways. Traditionally, happiness is believed to be associated with something or someone, and, while that may be true in most cases, there’s no doubting the idea that solidarity can bring happiness as well.
Hexagram 58 from the I Ching illuminates the topic of joy and happiness that one may have lost at the hands of a tough life.
- Traditionally, joy is seen as something that is extracted from something or someone. However, even the smallest moments and details of life can bring you joy if you learn to see through the right lens.
- In love, happiness is the most beautiful kind of feeling. It breathes a sense of security in your heart and provides a solid base for the relationship to grow meaningfully.
- Routine and extraordinary amusement can both be balanced if one is willing enough. The trick is to not let the scales tip on either end. Too much repetition will add a prominent shade of melancholy to your life whereas excessive thrill and activity only bring instability.
- A person who is used to extracting his/her happiness from people and events will run mad in their absence.
- Bad steps can be taken amid joy and triumph. They go unnoticed in the moment but, sooner or later, consequences unfold.
- The worst kind of pain is one that happiness cannot mask. Hurt people try to cover up their misery with joy. In reality, it’s nothing but a temporary band-aid.
Hexagram 58 Message
What joy was seen as years ago is not what joy is seen as now. Nonetheless, the foundational principles remain the same. There’s nothing wrong with finding joy in materialistic wins but that path certainly isn’t a sustainable one. What happens if you don’t win for once? Do you become unhappy all of a sudden?
Wisdom lies in searching for happiness within. Those who have always looked somewhere else for happiness may find it hard to seek joy in their own company. But, it’s an ability one can control and master. Celebrate not because others are clapping for you but because you did something that’s worthy of applause.
Hexagram 58 Message For Love & Relationships
A relationship is a blessing in and of itself. Learn to cherish it the way it’s supposed to be cherished. Think about it…someone is willing to devote their time, attention, and heart to you in this cold and egocentric world – it’s not something to be taken for granted. If you ever find yourself feeling ungrateful, remind yourself that you perhaps have the greatest blessing of all.
Messages From The Lines Of Hexagram 58

Line 1:
Being happy all the time is unrealistic, but so is being upset all the time. There’s no one or the other here. In life, you’ll have both episodes which, by the way, is normal and healthy. With time and enough sorrow, some get used to living in the dark and prefer not to come out of it. Choosing a path like this ultimately leads to the destruction and rotting of your own existence.
Line 2:
Loud joy and playfulness can often draw unwanted attention from the wrong kind of people. Aside from envy, negative influences around you might be keen on ruining your good days with criticism or hurtful words. Some people just cannot digest other people’s happiness. If it’s difficult to get rid of them, quit letting their energy affect you emotionally and have a good laugh at whatever they have to say. Humor is your best defense in such cases.
Line 3:
Stress and worries can take away a lot from your experience of life. But, you have no control over it. Bad things are going to happen no matter what and critical situations will put pressure on you. It’s not like you can just run away from it towards the idea of “happiness”. If anything, accepting the fact that life is neither good nor fair might bring you some kind of relief.
Line 4:
There’s nothing better one can have than some peace and solidarity after a stressful chapter in life. Even if there’s no direct joy in relaxation, the loosening effect you get when the weight of the world is lifted off your shoulders is pleasurable in its own way. In times like these, remember to drop the emotional baggage as well as to let yourself unwind and take full advantage of the short interval life gave you.
Line 5:
As difficult as it is to compensate for failure, remind yourself that you have the luxury of making another attempt. Sometimes, another chance is enough to bring you delight. It provides a sense of safety that you haven’t fallen down all the way yet and still have the hope of making a comeback. Remember, when it truly matters, even the smallest of things can breathe joy and relief into your soul.
Line 6:
Using wealth and affluence as a tool will never disappoint you. The greedy base their whole life around it and cry while they have it. Attaching your happiness to materialistic values is never going to end well in terms of fulfillment. To no surprise, the void will still remain, and you’ll chase after more monetary success to fill it, thus creating a never-ending loop.
Hexagram 58 from the I Ching covers the topic of simple joy very meaningfully. Throughout your life, you’ll stumble upon hundreds of different kinds of people but none of them will ever say no to having just a tiny bit more happiness in their lives. Many will claim to be fine without it, but their thoughts are surely clouded by momentary sorrow.
One thing to keep in mind regarding Hexagram 58 is that it won’t enhance your experience of happiness and life if you yourself aren’t willing to. A void can only be filled once that void is actually realized.