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Hexagram 63 - Envisioning Another Climb

Hexagram 63 shows that there is a lack of balance in your life. It feels like you’re trying to solve problems that are already solved and you’re trying to solve problems that are no longer worth solving. This i Ching symbol has other messages for you.

This i Ching symbol is also associated with good luck and fortune. If you continue to work and improve your skills, fortune will appear in your life. Just be careful with your mental health during the process.

Lack of Balance
Mental Drainage
Good Fortune

Hexagram 63 Symbol

Hexagram 63 Symbol​

Hexagram 63 is composed of 3 unbroken and 3 broken horizontal lines. This symbol is associated with good fortune.

Hexagram 63 Lack of Balance Mental Drainage Good Fortune |

When you finally reach the peak of a mountain, you lay your eyes on another mountain in hopes of climbing it some other time. Work is never truly complete. There’s always something to do, be it conquering another throne or climbing a larger mountain. Some people can only truly relax in their graves. 

Hexagram 63 from the I Ching is all about envisioning another climb and never truly giving up on work. Accepting your circumstances as they are would mean everything is perfect. But, the concept of perfection isn’t real. Therefore, work needs to continue even after completion. 



Hexagram 63 Message

When a task is successfully completed, some will sit back and relax while others will start preparing for the next challenge. If growth and advancement is something important to you at this stage in your life, don’t be one to slow down and take a breather. 

Immediately start visualizing and planning your next climb because you’re hungry for more. It’s that relentless attitude that attracts generational fortune and greatness over the long run. Mediocre people with an average mindset hesitate to take the next leap whereas the wise are never truly satisfied with their current position. 

Hexagram 63 Message For Love & Relationships

Growing together in a relationship can come with many sacrifices. At one point or another, dreams and aims will conflict and one party will have to give up their aspirations to let the other thrive. However, it needs to be mutual…and balanced. If only one party has to make all the sacrifices, the other is at fault and needs to be more considerate. That’s just how a nurturing partnership works. 

Messages From The Lines Of Hexagram 63

Hexagram 63 Symbol​

Line 1: 

Moving from one task to another can be particularly difficult, especially if you’ve been invested in the first task long enough. If you desire quick results and progression, don’t let that transitional period be too long. Mark the first task as complete and move on to the next one without wasting any time. 

There are some downsides to working like this though, particularly that you won’t be able to enjoy the fruit of your labor. You definitely don’t want to keep this going for very long. In fact, at some point, you will have to rest up or productivity might decline and results will start to display regression.

Line 2:

Continuing to work just for the sake of working isn’t a great idea. If you instinctively feel that more can be improved in the undertaking and it does require revision, stick with it all you want. However, if there’s nothing meaningful to add, mark the work as complete and take a snooze. Resting and refueling for something else would be a better, more productive idea in this case. 

Line 3:

One can’t undo the damage that has already been done. If your work hasn’t been top-notch lately and all output seems to be missing some necessary elements, accept the fact that you messed up and try doing better next time. 

If a baker accidentally burns or ruins the bread in some way, the damage is irreversible. In that case, he/she needs to come to terms with reality and make a choice between baking a new loaf or just giving up the task entirely. 

Line 4: 

When you’re done climbing the first hill, some people will likely turn back around and not stick around for the second climb. If you envision more for yourself, don’t hesitate to put your backpack back on and set out on another climb all alone. Sure, it would be a tough journey without company, but it’s not the end of the world. 

In everyday life, people who promise to stick beside you at all times will hop off the bandwagon if they don’t see the potential in your upcoming adventures. Don’t let such betrayals hinder your drive though. Continue walking your path and don’t look back!

Line 5: 

Pompous and prideful people often seek validation through accomplishments. It’s not for their own good or anyone else’s – all for satisfying the ego. Climbing bigger mountains out of a desire to appear superior to everyone rather than to improve will eventually lead to spiritual weakness and failure. Don’t let this prideful thinking overcome you at any cost!

Line 6: 

When you stumble upon a traveler trying to make the same journey as you, join hands with them and let that partnership motivate you to keep pushing forward. It would be a mistake to view others on the same path as you with hostility – there’s no need to gatekeep something from someone when they could potentially help you get to it. Share your ambition with them and let them enlighten you with whatever wisdom they’ve acquired from the journey.